Tag Archives: waterproofing

Mold Remediation and Waterproofing Can Protect Your Family from Molds

Mold remediation is an involved process that focuses on the visible mold present in a home and any mold risks that could require additional attention. The root cause of mold growth is excessive levels of moisture, and identifying the step is often the first step in the process. Mold can cause a range of health problems for those exposed to toxic amounts.

Understanding the Mold Remediation Process

Mold remediation is designed to make a property in Columbus or Indianapolis safe by removing high levels of mold from the home. The scenario usually involves an initial inspection to identify the extent of the problem. This process can take anywhere from 20 minutes to more than 2 hours. In some cases, surface samples may be taken.

Do-It-Yourself Basement Waterproofing Can Lead to Much Bigger Problems

A lot of homes in the Indianapolis and Columbus area need professional basement waterproofing due to leak and moisture problems. Many homeowners, however, opt to handle the problems by themselves to save money. Unfortunately, a moist, wet, or flooded basement is more complicated than they think.

Without fully understanding the dynamics of water, cement, soil, and cement blocks that comprise a house’s footing, you can make costly mistakes when trying waterproof the basement on your own. For instance, you may temporarily stop the leak and eliminate the dampness but you could, at the same time, reduce the stability of the footing by removing too much soil. This is why it’s crucial to leave basement waterproofing to professionals.

How Wet Basement Waterproofing Can Help Prevent Further Water Damage

Your home is more than a big investment. It is a place of comfort that you look forward to occupying after a long day at work. It’s where your children were raised and memories were made. Maintaining its integrity is likely one of your top priorities.

Unfortunately, not all problems occurring within your home are immediately obvious. Signs of water seepage into your basement or crawlspace may take years to develop. Over time, this can lead to major structural damage to your home, insect infestations, and mold outbreaks. Understanding the warning signs of water damage can protect your home by alerting you of the need for professional Indianapolis wet basement waterproofing.

Sump Pumps Are Not Enough When Basement Waterproofing in Indianapolis

If you are concerned about moisture in your basement, you are not alone. Even a small amount of moisture in the basement can lead to wood rot, damaged drywall, mold growth and more.

Some of these issues can spread to other areas of the house or can impact the structural integrity of the entire home, leading to far more extensive issues that need to be remedied. With this in mind, you may be considering getting a sump pump if you have not already invested in one, and you may want to ensure that this is an effective basement waterproofing in Indianapolis.

Why You Should Never Try Waterproofing Your Crawlspace on Your Own

The crawlspace is one of the most inaccessible areas in your home in Indianapolis. The name itself suggests that this area takes a lot of effort to enter. If you’re planning on waterproofing your crawlspace by yourself soon, rethink your decision. There are many things in life that you should leave to the experts, and crawlspace waterproofing is one of those things.

The only gap that separates you from the uncomfortable surface underneath your home is your crawlspace. Because it’s hidden below your flooring, close to the ground and probably other sources of moisture, your crawlspace can be moist most of the time. This can affect the structural stability of your entire home, which is why crawlspace waterproofing is very important.

Top Reasons to Consider Using Expert Basement Waterproofing Services

Flooding in basements is unfortunately common, and it can occur because of a water leak in a pipe, heavy rainfall, snow melt after a hard winter, and more. Whether you live in Indianapolis or Columbus, your basement can be under threat from this debacle.

Basement waterproofing techniques range from adding special coatings and wall materials to the walls to enhancing the space with a sump pump or even digging special trenches along the exterior of the home. These can vary in cost as well as time and effort required, and you may be looking for motivation to get the project completed. By understanding some of the top reasons to waterproof the space, you may be ready to move forward with your basement waterproofing project.

No Need to Fear Homes with Basements with Good Waterproofing Services

Some people shy away from purchasing a home with a basement. Sure, the extra space would be nice, but how many times has it filled with water, smelled like mold or ruined items? It is important to get some background on the area, sewage backup problems, and most importantly, whether or not the basement has been waterproofed.

What is Basement Waterproofing?

There are plenty of ways to waterproof a basement. The current owners or builder should be able to share this information with you. If not, a home inspection company can give you the details. Interior sealants are often used to prevent cracks in concrete from allowing water to reach the interior. Exterior methods of polymer-based compounds may also be used. However, the life of these methods are undetermined.

Professional Waterproofing for Basement Upkeep and Mold Prevention

Your basement plays a significant role in the overall quality and safety of your home. Even if you rarely go into the basement itself, it is crucial that you monitor this lowest level of your house to ensure that it stays dry and intact. By taking steps to keep it free from cracks, crumbling, and other signs of damage, you likewise keep out dangerous toxins like black mold that can make your family ill and depreciate the value of your home.

Mold Remediation

Because your basement is built into the ground itself, it is at risk of becoming damp and flooded every time it rains or the ground becomes too saturated. You can run a humidifier to get rid of some of the dampness. However, even this measure may not be enough to keep out all of the water and prevent the growth of black mold.

Basement Waterproofing: Have Your Basement Ready to be Refinished

In most cases, a wet basement is an obvious problem. Owners will see standing water on the floor, or there may be mysterious puddles that seem to appear from nowhere. However, there are times when the basement just feels a little damp. Even if your home doesn’t have issues with leaks or flooding, the constant moisture in the air can still damage your property. Before you decide to have the space finished, here’s what you need to know about moisture and its impact on your home.

Smell the Air

A damp basement won’t always present with puddles of water. It’s entirely possible to have a moisture problem that’s only apparent through a musty odor. Before you decide to put down carpeting and other materials, smell the air at different times. If you feel like you smell mold or mildew in the air, they’re probably there.

Waterproofing Contractors Share Easy Tricks to Try for a Dry Basement

If your basement floods often, it’s likely time to contact waterproofing contractors in Indianapolis as soon as possible. A chronically wet basement is not a problem that is going to fix itself but it is one that can lead to mold growth, foundation issues and other problems. There are a few things you can try on your own before hiring a pro, but if they don’t resolve your issue it’s time to get help.

Clean Your Spouts

Overflowing and damaged spouts are often the culprit when basements are wet. Check yours to make sure they are flowing freely and that all downspouts are extended well beyond your home’s foundation with gutter extensions. You may want to take a look at your neighbor’s downspouts as well and talk to them if their spouts point directly at your home and are close enough to funnel water your way.